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The philosophy accessible to the people.



            The philosophy accessible to the people.




History radical philosophy. 36 thinkers philosophy available. History radical in the sense that aims to denounce the mystification that, in terms of the history of philosophy affect the Universe and the Universe Catholic Spain, especially. But you will see historical manipulations are widespread and affect other ideological universes. 36 thinkers, because I refer to authors who, though not included in history textbooks philosophy, his thought was decisive in the history of mankind, as in the case of Martí Luter.

 .        Protàgores i la Il·lustració grega Sòcrates   Plató Aristòtil  Plató 2  Juli César desvela el joc  Jesús, la salvació pel martiri  Els Evangelis  Marc Aureli, la filosofia romana L'Església catòlica, un instrument de l'Imperi romà

Agustí i Tomàs d'Aquino  Albert el Gran Ramon Llull, una passada


Martí Luter  Descartes David  Hume                         Thomas Paine Kant   Hegel Marx i la filosofia  Marx i l'alienació  El marxisme és un intel·lectualisme  Friedrich Nietzsche Peirce, James, Dewey  Ortega y Gasset i el racisme.  Ortega y Gasset i el racisme 2.George E.| Moore      Martin Heidegger  Jean-Paul Sartre  Wittgenstein Karl  Popper  Hayek i Popper La paradoxa d'En Hayek Richard  Rorty  Rorty, Vattimo i les Esglésies protestants  La filosofia i la religió sense caretes  La filosofia i la ciència  Filosofia emergent





Protagoras and Socrates Plato Aristotle Plato Greek Enlightenment Juli César 2 game reveals Jesus, salvation through martyrdom Gospels Marc Aureli, philosophy Roman Catholic Church, an instrument of the Roman Empire


Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus Ramon Llull happens




Martin Luther Thomas Paine Descartes David Hume Kant Hegel and Marx philosophy and alienation Marx Marxism is intellectualism Friedrich Nietzsche Peirce, James, Dewey and Ortega y Gasset racism. Ortega y Gasset and racism 2. George E. | Moore Martin Heidegger Jean-Paul Sartre Wittgenstein Hayek and Karl Popper Popper's paradox in Hayek Richard Rorty Rorty, Vattimo and Protestant churches philosophy and religion without masks Philosophy and Philosophy emerging science

The philosophy available



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